Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Nature of Creativity

First of all, I'm FREEEEE! Submitted 150 grades yesterday, attended graduation, and promptly fell asleep in my recliner afterward, lol. So tired.

But this article - link here - rejuvenated me. This morning, I was wondering how on earth I would make the enormous shift in my tired brain from grader-of-essays to creative-writer again (I hope to finish a novel this summer, while I'm off). Well, this article did it. It's brilliant. It's thought-provoking. And it reminded me of why I'm creative, of why I love to BE creative. It makes me feel alive!

So, today, no matter how tired you are, how weary from an incredibly-difficult work week, try and take a few minutes to read the article, and to get creative. Even if it's only for an hour.

It's an hour well-spent.

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