Wednesday, March 31, 2010

7 Things - One Day....

Mr. Chuck Sambuchino runs one of the best (and largest) writing blogs out there (his link is on the left menu - Guide to Literary Agents).

I really like his running series called, "7 Things I've Learned So Far," where both published and unpublished authors tell about what they "wish" they'd known years ago. It's always informative, and this week's is no exception. Here's the link.

This one is told from the viewpoint of someone who's been there - a published author, giving us the pitfalls and un-glamorous parts of getting published. I love knowing this stuff, because part of me is always thinking, "One day....just maybe...will that be me?"

That reminds me -- it's always good to think ahead, to keep a notebook or document file on your computer for those "one day" bits of advice. Right now, unpublished, I don't need to know too much about publicity or book signings or financial issues of getting published. Those things don't apply to me now. And, I'm busy focused on the writing process, making my writing the best it can be, and submitting it to agents. But - one day, I might need that information. So, I keep an ongoing file that I add to once in awhile, of things I might need to know - "one day." It doesn't hurt to prepare yourself for that dream coming true. At least, that's what I like to tell myself... :-)

1 comment:

  1. I think there is no end to the learning process....ever.
