Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I've been just been awarded this.  How cool is that?!?!
Many thanks to the clever blog/blogger at Single Writer Mom Rants for this.  She's a super-sweet, uber-witty gal, and she's got an equally-witty blog:  link here
So -- the rules for the award are as follows:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to the awarding blog.
2. Answer 7 questions about yourself.
3. Provide 10 random factoids about yourself.
4. Hand the award to 7 deserving others.
Questions about myself:
1.  Favorite song?  "Slide" by Goo Goo Dolls
2.  Favorite dessert?  Sea-salted caramels.  Oh my.
3.  What do you do when you're upset?  Either shut down and close off from people, and/or vent about it by writing.
4.  Favorite pet?  Corgis!!  Here's my Darcy:

5.  White or whole wheat?  White.  Definitely.
6.  Biggest fear?  Losing a loved one unexpectedly.
7.  General attitude?  Generally pessimistic/realistic, but with a few sprinkles of hope on top.

10 Random Factoids:

1. I have a real weakness for donuts. I could eat 5 of them, easily, in one sitting.

2. I'm an Anglo-phile and would probably live in England if I wouldn't miss my family and friends so much.

3. Nothing makes me laugh more than slapstick. I love a good pratfall.

4. I hate it when I feel like a friendship/relationship is terribly lop-sided - when I'm doing most of the giving, and that other person is doing most of the taking.

5. I adore sarcasm, but don't like using it much, myself. I'm always too afraid the other person won't "get" it, and will be offended.

6. I know my love of Shakespeare came directly from my watching the 70's movie version of Romeo and Juliet. I was 13 years old and hadn't read the play yet, so I had no idea about the tragic ending. I got so absorbed in it that I think I might've even talked to the screen, to Romeo - "No - she's ALIVE. Don't kill yourself!" lol Alas, he didn't listen to me...

7. I wish people didn't feel the need to judge other people. We're all in the same boat, living this life. So why point fingers?

8. I'm guilty of being way too sensitive, of hurting too much when I get let down by someone.

9. I hate seafood. I know it's supposed to be good for me, but ick. Hate it.

10.  I'm a Christian and I'm not ashamed of it.  No, I don't push my beliefs on other people, but I do love having respectful conversations about different people's views.  My good friends all range from other Christians to Buddhists to atheists.  I believe in freedom of choice, that people are totally free to believe whatever they wish.  Do I wish they'd seek/choose Jesus, and discover the same peace I've found?  Absolutely.  But I still respect their decision not to.  :-)

Other deserving blogs to award:
The Sweet Life
Pensive Sarcasm

Author's Echo

1 comment:

  1. So honored! Thank you, T. Working on mine now. How exciting. And fun!
