Wednesday, December 8, 2010

So Creative!

Yesterday (through GalleyCat), I saw a website called Poster Text, which sells these literary posters. They're clever enough by themselves, but here's something immensely more clever -- the text of the ENTIRE BOOK has been imbedded inside the poster.


They've got all the great classics: The Great Gatsby, Dracula, Jane Eyre. But probably my favorite-looking one is the Alice in Wonderland poster. There's something creepy-cool about having the Cheshire Cat smiling out from underneath all that text.

Personally, I'm waiting on the Little Women poster, coming out any day now. Might just have to buy that one!

What's you're favorite?

1 comment:

  1. This is AWESOME! I would love to see Albert Camus' The Stranger on a poster board ;)
