Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lazy Link

My brain is still on hiatus from those re-writes I did over the past couple of weeks. So, I'm being lazy today and posting a wonderful link from Rachelle Gardner's blog.

I couldn't agree more - that, often, those menial tasks (washing dishes, doing laundry, or even just "being quiet" for a bit) relax my brain enough to let brainstorming in. In fact, my strongest creative ideas have come when I least expect them - when I'm driving or brushing my teeth, etc. NOT when I'm sitting at the computer, willing the ideas to come forth.

How about y'all? Do you find this to be true, as well?

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Taking a break from the writing process can fuel more ideas and help clarify
    plot complications, etc. Good to keep a small notebook/pencil in every room, in your purse, car, etc....so you're ready to jot down any thoughts.
